INNOVACOM reinvests in Spatial Mobility Expert EXOTRAIL as part of a €54 Million fund-raising initiative

8 February 2023

press release

Paris, 7 February 2023 – Innovacom, which already held a stake in Exotrail, is participating in the company’s new €54 million Series B funding round. A leading player in the field of spatial mobility, Exotrail aims to accelerate its international growth and industrial scale-up thanks to the renewed support of traditional investors and the arrival of new public and private shareholders, in particular the industry-centred SPI Fund and the Fonds Innovation Défense (FID) managed by Bpifrance, as well as Eurazeo and CELAD.

A venture capital pioneer dedicated to supporting innovative companies that stand out as trailblazers in the environmental, economic and industrial transition, Innovacom made its first investment in Exotrail in 2020 as part of a Series A round, with the aim of positioning the start-up as a leader in spatial mobility.
Nearly two years later, the company is launching this new fund-raising initiative with more specific objectives in mind:

  • Industrialisation of Exotrail’s established products: spaceware™ – its proven electric space propulsion systems, and spacestudio™ – its space mission design software;
  • Roll-out and upmarket shift for new Exotrail products: the spacetower™ constellation operations software and the spacedrop™ launch and deployment service;
  • International expansion into the American and Asian markets.
“We are very pleased to renew our financial support for Exotrail and to continue guiding their development with an eye to fostering the emergence of a French champion in the New Space ecosystem.
The holistic vision Exotrail has developed, along with its ability to put forth a new paradigm to make satellite constellations economically and ecologically sustainable, are perfectly in line with Innovacom’s investment approach

said Frédéric Humbert, Partner at Innovacom.


Innovacom est un pionnier du capital-innovation en France. Depuis 1988, il a investi près d’un milliard d’euros, accompagné plus de 300 startups du numérique et de haute-technologie, participé à plus de 20 introductions en bourse et réalisé́ plus de 150 cessions industrielles.
L’équipe, qui bénéficie d’une longue expérience dans les technologies de pointe, a contribué à plusieurs succès récents dans de multiples secteurs (telco, santé, mobilité́, énergie…) et dispose d’un solide track-record incluant des licornes comme Heptagon ou Soitec.
Aujourd’hui, Innovacom soutient des projets industriels innovants et des technologies de rupture à fort potentiel en leur apportant financements, conseils et accompagnement. Son association avec le Groupe Turenne a donné́ naissance à un des leaders indépendants du capital-investissement en France avec une plateforme d’1,5 milliard d’euros sous gestion. Présente à Paris et à Marseille, Innovacom Gestion est agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

about Exotrail

Exotrail is a France-based space company which designs, develops, and operates mobility solutions. Its mission is to allow small satellites to move in space so that we can optimize their deployment, increase their performances and reduce space pollution. Thanks to this, a new world of telecommunication, Earth observation and space exploration will arise. Its mobility solutions range from highly flexible high-thrust propulsion systems for small satellites (ExoMGTM), mission simulation and operation software (ExoOPSTM), and orbital transfer vehicles (SpaceVanTM).

Exotrail was incorporated in 2017 and has secured over 18M€ from prestigious venture capital funds and public grants. Its team consists of 30 people who are passionate about disrupting the space industry. It operates out of two locations: Toulouse and Massy (suburb of Paris) in France.
