Benjamin Wainstain


Benjamin Wainstain

in short

  • Studies

    X, master bio-informatique Marseille-Luminy, Engref

  • Previous

    Innoven, Supernova Invest, Demeter

  • Current

    Levée d’Avenir Numérique2 et de Technocom3

Benjamin Wainstain


the story

A career path in search of giving meaning and societal utility to my job: environment, then biotechnologies. The encounter with venture capital was a natural way to participate in the transformation of the world by remaining multidisciplinary and in contact with science.

The wonderful thing about this job is that each entrepreneurial adventure is unique. The subjects covered are windows to the technologies of tomorrow, carried by teams of passionate and enthusiastic people.

Alongside them, we assume part of the risk to enable them to be more ambitious.

My greatest satisfaction is to see projects grow and become reality when they were only projections on slides. I am always amazed by the ability of the managers to unfold their plans, as if the project wasn’t completely crazy!